Village of Arlington Heights
Residents in neighborhoods adjacent to the Northwest Community Hospital voiced concerns about an increase in “cut-through” traffic. Previous studies conducted by the Village looked at the problem from a very high level and focused on daily ADT volumes.
Our traffic engineers conducted a study that evaluated both the ADT volume and identified traffic patterns to determine the traffic originators. We implemented tracing counts using video cameras and manual counts simultaneously at several intersections to follow the traffic origination and destination patterns. Full turning movement counts were conducted at 8 intersections and tracing counts were conducted at 20 intersections.
After the data was collected, a report was prepared and presented outlining the sources of perceived cut-throughs. The report also suggested solutions for further study, such as re-optimizing the signal systems on surrounding arterials, which may be implemented by the Village in the future.
3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 201
Springfield, IL 62703
P: 217.546.3400