Our experienced biologists can investigate environmental solutions and sustainable alternatives to enhance your project and help you maneuver through the complex permitting process. We regularly provide guidance and present on key issues such as wetlands, natural area restoration, stormwater control, permitting, threatened and endangered species, noise analysis, and special waste. Additionally, we have established relationships with multiple regulatory agencies including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, county governments, and local municipalities. This helps ensure that permits are obtained in a timely manner so projects are not delayed.
We also have expertise in sustainable design. Our team can assist with the design and construction of bioswales, biofiltration basins, and rain gardens, incorporating permeable pavers and porous concrete to better manage stormwater. These Best Management Practices (BMPs) help improve water quality and promote environmental awareness.
HLR’s environmental department has not only devoted themselves to decades of study and certification in the environmental sciences, but each team member feels a deep commitment to preserve our natural environment and remediate problems we encounter, to ensure preservation of our resources for future generations.
HLR can restore and maintain your natural areas, including wetlands, prairies, savannahs, streambanks and detention basins. We can identify invasive species and recommend the most effective ways for control and eradication. Maintenance measures can include mowing, cutting, herbiciding, and prescribed burning. Each team member is a Licensed Herbicide Applicator and can coordinate effective and economical controlled burns for your sites.
Wetlands serve an important role in the environment by filtering, storing water, and providing habitat for unique types of plant and animal species. HLR’s environmental staff conducts formal wetland delineations and works closely with design engineers to avoid impacts. If impacts are unavoidable, we can work with you to obtain the necessary U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and County permits. Our team, including Certified Wetland Specialists, has the experience and agency relationships to facilitate the wetland permitting process to keep the project moving forward.
Our biologists have extensive experience with plant, tree, and animal identification and regularly perform these types of assessments, meeting Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and various forest preserve standards and protocols. In addition to providing these services, our team has trained contractors prior to project construction when T&E concerns are present. We have Certified Arborists on staff to assist in all aspects relating to tree surveys.
Incorporating sustainable design is occurring nationwide. HLR has expertise in a variety of Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) such as stormwater detentions, bioswales, bio-infiltration basins, permeable pavement and pavers, and rain gardens to better manage stormwater in your community.
HLR can assist you in securing the necessary stormwater permits from State and County entities such as the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and associated Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Our team regularly assists communities with MS4 compliance and in the development of Stormwater Management Plans for their municipality.
The selection, design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance of erosion and sediment control practices is a critical component for most development projects. Our staff of Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control can provide direction and expertise from initial project planning through completion. We also have Designated Erosion Control Inspectors that can keep your project compliant with NPDES and local permit inspection requirements during the construction and stabilization phases of the project.
Our staff can conduct CO Microscale analysis, evaluate PM2.5 and PM10 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas and Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs), and assist with air quality conformity and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance language.
HLR conducts noise monitoring and modeling to establish existing noise levels and predict future noise levels. Our staff can evaluate a variety of options and present innovative solutions to your noise problems. If a noise wall is a possible solution, our structural team–in coordination with the environmental team–can complete a noise-abatement analysis and design a noise wall to meet your needs. Our team has experience working under the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) noise policy.
Our staff is experienced in identifying potential and existing environmental-contamination liabilities and performing assessments to American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and other applicable standards. We have conducted Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) as well as Preliminary Environmental Site Assessments (PESAs). HLR has assisted several municipalities with navigating the Clean Construction Demolition and Debris (CCDD) rules and regulations for their street and utility projects.
3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 201
Springfield, IL 62703
P: 217.546.3400