The City of Springfield requested the analysis of several traffic signals within the City to determine if the signals meet the MUTCD Traffic Signal Warrants, as no study was conducted when they were installed. Unwarranted traffic signals can lead to drivers ignoring the traffic signal and an increase in rear-end collisions.
HLR follows a multi-step approach to investigate traffic signal warrants at an intersection. We conclude the analysis at the first step where an MUTCD traffic signal warrant is met.
Our process includes:
- Conducting a site visit to record existing site conditions and take photos and measurements at the proposed intersection. Conducting a visual sight distance evaluation. (If it is apparent that signals are warranted based on engineering judgement, we will notify the city following the site visit. None of the following steps will be taken.)
- Conducting 13 hours turning movement counts using video recordings. This data is used to determine if MUTCD Warrants 1 – 4 are met.
- HLR obtains the most recent 5-years of crash reports from the City of Springfield to analyze MUTCD Warrant 7 (crash warrant).
- The remaining MUTCD Warrant 5 School Crossing, Warrant 6 Coordinated Signal System, Warrant 8 Roadway Network and Warrant 9 Intersection Near a Grade Crossing are evaluated during the site visit.
- If no traffic signal warrants are met, an all-way stop warrant analysis is completed (using the already collected data).