Randall Road at Big Timber Road Phase I Study

Kane County Division of Transportation


This federally funded Phase I intersection improvement project evaluates design alternatives for the intersection to determine the most feasible solution for addressing excessive daily congestion in the area. The proposed improvements include additional through lanes on Randall Road, dual left-turn lanes on all legs, extra right-turn lanes, new traffic signals, pedestrian accommodations, and the realignment of Big Timber Road. These enhancements will effectively alleviate significant congestion along the Randall Road corridor.


The scope of work includes a topographic survey, field tile surveys, wetland delineations, tree survey, Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment, noise analysis, geotechnical analysis, traffic and crash analyses, drainage design, preparation of several geometric alternatives to determine the optimal lane geometry compared to existing conditions, Project Development Report, and a virtual public meeting. The project has been processed as a Federally Approved Categorical Exclusion.


  • Realignment of Big Timber Road
  • Additional through lanes on Randall Road
  • Dual left turn lanes on Randall Road
  • Free flow right turn lane on the west leg of Big Timber Road


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