Kane County Division of Transportation
HLR was contracted to provide preliminary engineering services for the entire corridor from Huntley Road to Illinois Route 62 including the ESR addendum, wetland impact evaluations, tree survey, EIS e-evaluation, Section 4(f) de minimis report, IDS, and crash analysis. Our team also prepared the original Phase I Design Report and Addendum that was needed to incorporate geometric design updates from the other sections as well as environmental updates as directed by the FHWA and IDOT. HLR surveyors provided supplemental topographic land survey and prepared plats/legal descriptions for parcels to be acquired for the corridor.
In addition, our team prepared Phase II plans for this section of the proposed corridor which included three separate contracts. The first was a locally-let tree clearing contract to remove all vegetation within the section during threatened bat hibernation. The second was a locally-let roadway project that included the new roadway reconstruction of Longmeadow Parkway from Huntley Road to just west of Randall Road. This rural section included shoulders, bike path, stormwater detention within oversized underground storm sewers, and traffic signal improvements at the Longmeadow/Huntley/Boyer intersection. The third leg was a State-let contract that included reconstruction of the Randall Road intersection including new turn-lane configurations. This urban section also included a drainage collection system, aboveground stormwater detention facility, oversized storm sewers for stormwater detention, traffic signals at the Randall/Longmeadow intersection, fiber-optic traffic interconnect, and bike path.
Scope of Work:
3085 Stevenson Dr., Ste. 201
Springfield, IL 62703
P: 217.546.3400