Eagle Brook Wetland Management

City of Geneva


Since 2010, Hampton, Lenzini and Renwick, Inc. (HLR) has developed and has been implementing a management and maintenance plan for the 70-acre Eagle Brook wetland complex.


The plan included a strategic allocation of resources to provide the maximum benefit for the most stakeholders in the shortest amount of time. Invasive plant removal in the two inlet channels was a priority to promote drainage through the wetland. After invasive removal was conducted, live native plantings were installed to prevent a resurgence of invasives. The ecosystem is surrounded by a golf course and residential homes so aesthetic appeal is also a large factor in the management plan.

The following management activities are being utilized:

  • Chemical removal of invasive species via herbiciding by an Illinois licensed pesticide applicator
  • Live native plant installation
  • Annual prescribed burn or mow, with applicable Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permitting
  • Mechanical removal of invasives, including woody species via machine and hand pulling
  • Overseeding with a native seed mix customized to the site-specific needs, including a concentration on flowering natives
  • Clearing of dams to restore water flow and prevent upstream flooding
  • NPDES permitting and compliance for pesticide point source discharges

Public education is provided in one-on-one discussions with stakeholders, as well as periodic informational articles describing maintenance activities in Eagle Brook Life, a publication mailed out monthly to all residents. HLR writes seasonal articles about the maintenance progress and future proposed work which has been a great tool to inform and educate the stakeholders.


  • Invasive removal promoting native plant growth
  • Improved wildlife habitat
  • Improved water quality and water flow
  • Improved aesthetics
  • Public education


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