Butterfield Road Multi-Use Path Improvements

TranSystems Corporation / Lake County Division of Transportation


The Lake County Division of Transportation (DOT) is proposing a multi-use path improvement project along one mile of Butterfield Road, between Allanson Road and West Golf Road. The project spans three municipalities and unincorporated Lake County. To facilitate construction, the project required a wetland delineation, wetland permitting, and a Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) to identify environmentally sensitive areas and determine if any Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) were present.


Lake County DOT is planning improvements and the installation of a multi-use path along Butterfield Road in Libertyville, Mundelein, Vernon Hills, and unincorporated Lake County, Illinois. Both sides of Butterfield Road were assessed for environmental considerations.

HLR conducted a wetland delineation and prepared a comprehensive report, including data sheets, floristic quality assessments, figures, photographic documentation, and potential permitting requirements. The bike path was designed to avoid impacting the Seavey Drainage Ditch, a delineated aquatic resource within the project area. Coordination with the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office confirmed no adverse impacts, allowing the project to proceed under a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Nationwide Permit 42 for minimal construction-related impacts.

HLR also completed the PESA report, which involved reviewing historical records, site use, adjacent land use, on-site reconnaissance, and interviews to assess potential RECs. No RECs were identified. Additionally, an LPC-663 form was completed for Clean Construction and Demolition Debris (CCDD) disposal, as required due to the volume of soil disposal and nearby CCDD facility regulations.

Construction is anticipated to be completed in 2025.


  • Completed wetland delineation, PESA, and LPC-663 form within the project timeline to meet the letting schedule.
  • Designed the bike path to avoid impacts to the Seavey Drainage Ditch.
  • Coordinated with the Illinois State Historic Preservation Office; no adverse impacts were found.
  • Secured a USACE Nationwide Permit 42 for minimal wetland impacts.
  • Identified no Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in the PESA report.


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