Brookside Basin Retrofit

City of Elgin


The City of Elgin owns and maintains several detention facilities designed specifically for flood control. These stormwater basins were constructed many years ago with concrete channels which proved to be high-maintenance. Retrofitting these basins reduces maintenance needs and provides water quality benefits to the community.


HLR designed, obtained permits for, oversaw construction, and maintains the Brookside Basin. The basin features native grasses and forbaceous species that were planted in Summer 2016. Benefits of the project include flood water/runoff interception and gradual release back into water table, reduced peak flows for storm events, improved wildlife habitat, reduced sedimentation into Sandy Creek, and improved aesthetics.


  • APWA Project of the Year Award (2016)


  • Tree survey for conservation plan
  • Permitting
  • Tree/shrub removal
  • Creation of newly designed basin
  • Basin stabilization with erosion control matting and a custom native seed mix
  • Chemical removal of invasive species via herbiciding by an Illinois-licensed pesticide applicator
  • Mechanical removal of invasive species via machine and hand-pulling


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